Lionel Villard is a senior lecturer at ESIEE-Paris, researcher at LISIS and head of Platform CorText. His research focuses on data mining, scientometrics and data visualizations, dealing with geographical agglomeration and knowledge dynamics in the development of high-tech fields (e.g. nanotechnology, biotechnology).
Its core domains of expertise are:
- processing large volumes of data (publications, patents, press articles and financial data) collected from heterogeneous sources in structured databases;
- their analysis, especially when there include a Geographical dimension (mapping through GIS…);
- quantitative indicators and social network analysis.
These tools and methods built as part of his research, provide necessary backgrounds to develop analysis of scientific and technological fields. He is currently an active member of the European Infrastructure project RISIS (Research Infrastructure for Science and Innovation Studies).
This dual skill set – social sciences and methods – also drives his courses. He is teaching relational databases (third year, licence degree, ESIEE Paris), development of web applications (first year, master degree, ESIEE Paris), Geographic Information System (first year, master degree, ESIEE Paris), and mapping controversies (first year, licence degree, ESIEE Paris), introduction to mapping of the digital traces for science and media (second year, master degree, Master NUMI, UPE).
Always with passion, he is and enthusiastic traveller: he loves catching colours and situations with his camera. Pictures from here and there gather some of these shots, a kaleidoscopic view of personal moments, without filter, found here and there, along roads and cities.