One of the best CorText Manager training courses was organized and offered by the RISIS project.
Here is the program of this training which lasted 3 days:
Monday 08/11/21
14h-16h30: Session 1
Session 1a: Introduction on patent analysis (60’)
Introductory lecture session
• Welcoming introduction (Philippe Larédo) 5’
• Type of patents documents (Antoine Schoen) 15’
• Thematic, geospatial, Institutional (CIB) : recent developments (Patricia Laurens) 30’
• Discussion, questions and break (15’)
Session 1b: Resources and tools (1’30)
Objectives: Introduction to the mobilised tools and resources
• Risis Patent Database-CIB (Patricia Laurens): overview
• CorText Manager: Epic Epoch for firms, headquarters and countries (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: technological landscape using Network Mapping (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: locations of the inventions and geospatial exploration of Metropolitan
Areas and NUTS (Lionel Villard)
Tuesday 09/11/21
10h-12h30 session 2: Introduction to the practical session in groups
Objectives: HowTo use CorText Manager to analyse a set of patents from RPD (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: Epic Epoch for firms, headquarters and countries (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: thematic (tech fields) (Lionel Villard)
Break (15’)
• CorText Manager: geospatial (Metropolitan Areas and NUTS) (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: heterogeneous (Lionel Villard)
14h- 17h30 Session 3: Practical session in groups (6 groups)
Objectives: Use of Cortext Manager to analyse your own patent corpus
• 14h00-14h15: Formation of groups of participants and distribution of datasets
• 14h15-15h30: Network analysis with patent data using CorText Manager
Break (15’)
• 15h45-17h30: Geo analysis of patent data using CorText Manager (geocoding and allocation
to Urban and Rural Areas of addresses and mapping)
Wednesday 10/11/21 Session 4: Restitution
Objectives: Sharing results and analysis across groups
• 9h00-11h00: Preparation of the restitution in groups (6 groups)
• 11h00-12h30: Presentations
• 12h30-13h00: future, RCF with a scenario (Lionel Villard/Tatiana Sanchez)
• 13h00: concluding session, what’s next and evaluation
All the contents are available here :