RISIS Training: Thematic and spatial analysis of technologies using CorText Manager and RISIS patent database

One of the best CorText Manager training courses was organized and offered by the RISIS project.

Here is the program of this training which lasted 3 days:

Monday 08/11/21
14h-16h30: Session 1
Session 1a: Introduction on patent analysis (60’)
Introductory lecture session
• Welcoming introduction (Philippe Larédo) 5’
• Type of patents documents (Antoine Schoen) 15’
• Thematic, geospatial, Institutional (CIB) : recent developments (Patricia Laurens) 30’
• Discussion, questions and break (15’)

Session 1b: Resources and tools (1’30)
Objectives: Introduction to the mobilised tools and resources
• Risis Patent Database-CIB (Patricia Laurens): overview
• CorText Manager: Epic Epoch for firms, headquarters and countries (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: technological landscape using Network Mapping (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: locations of the inventions and geospatial exploration of Metropolitan
Areas and NUTS (Lionel Villard)

Tuesday 09/11/21
10h-12h30 session 2: Introduction to the practical session in groups
Objectives: HowTo use CorText Manager to analyse a set of patents from RPD (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: Epic Epoch for firms, headquarters and countries (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: thematic (tech fields) (Lionel Villard)
Break (15’)
• CorText Manager: geospatial (Metropolitan Areas and NUTS) (Lionel Villard)
• CorText Manager: heterogeneous (Lionel Villard)

14h- 17h30 Session 3: Practical session in groups (6 groups)
Objectives: Use of Cortext Manager to analyse your own patent corpus
• 14h00-14h15: Formation of groups of participants and distribution of datasets
• 14h15-15h30: Network analysis with patent data using CorText Manager
Break (15’)
• 15h45-17h30: Geo analysis of patent data using CorText Manager (geocoding and allocation
to Urban and Rural Areas of addresses and mapping)

Wednesday 10/11/21 Session 4: Restitution
Objectives: Sharing results and analysis across groups
• 9h00-11h00: Preparation of the restitution in groups (6 groups)
• 11h00-12h30: Presentations
• 12h30-13h00: future, RCF with a scenario (Lionel Villard/Tatiana Sanchez)
• 13h00: concluding session, what’s next and evaluation

All the contents are available here :


CM training