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Bensussan, Hannah; Durand, Cédric; Rikap, Cecilia

100 years of Corporate Planning. From Industrial Capitalism to Intellectual Monopoly Capitalism through the lenses of the Harvard Business Review (1922-2021) Online


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Rikap, Cecilia

Same End By Different Means: Google, Amazon, Microsoft and Meta’s Strategies to Organize Their Frontier AI Innovation Systems Online

2023, visited: 31.03.2023, (CITYPERC).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Bessagnet, Arnauld; Crespo, Joan; Vicente, Jerome

How is the literature on Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystems structured? A socio-semantic network approach Online

2023, visited: 01.01.2023, (Utrecht University, Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning, Group Economic Geography. Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography # 23.21).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Andro, Mathieu; Réault, Mickaël

Une expérimentation de plateforme de diffusion automatisée et collaborative des veilles avec le logiciel libre WordPress Online

2022, visited: 01.12.2022, (hal-03895971 , version 1).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Koronska, Kamila; Lompe, Maria; Rogers, Richard

Mapping controversial narratives related to the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine in Polish-language social media Facilitators Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2022, visited: 28.09.2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Kamara, Abdourahmane Tintou; Vignes, Annick; Polleau, Auriane; Deschamps, Aurore; Caputo, Chiara; Prieur, Christophe; Egher, Claudia; Cubizolles, Dylan; Armanet, Enguerrand; Lucifora, Federico; Laglil, Hajar; Miotto, Marilù; Delivre, Raphael; Tadiello, Sébastien; Tuncer, Sila; Persico, Simone; Billard, Tom; Chabaux, Valentin; Tahiri, Zakaria

Crawling the italian Green Pass debate on Twitter Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2022, visited: 18.02.2022.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Saubin, Méline; Louet, Clémentine; Bousset, Lydia; Fabre, Frédéric; Fudal, Isabelle; Grognard, Frédéric; Mailleret, Ludovic; Stoeckel, Solenn; Touzeau, Suzanne; Petre, Benjamin; Halkett, Fabien

Improving the design of sustainable crop protection strategies thanks to population genetics concepts Online

2021, visited: 01.10.2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Andro, Mathieu; Maisonneuve, Marc

Digital libraries: textual analysis for a systematic review and meta-analysis Online

2021, visited: 24.06.2021, (HAL Id : hal-03270523 , version 1 ; ARXIV : 2106.13469).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Bernard, Alexander; Bartelds, Michiel; Rojas, Cristobal Marin; Moss, Christin; Ucar, Ece

Conspiracy theories in the age of Covid-19. A comparative analysis of France and the UK. Online

Science Po 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Bento, Nuno; Fontes, Margarida

Legitimacy and Guidance in Upscaling Energy Technology Innovations Online

SCTE-IUL 2021, visited: 28.02.2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


ten Oever, Niels; Maxigas,; Steffen, Bryan; Maragkou, Eleni; Provendier, Emile; Breuer, Emma; Lombardi, Giovanni; Valentini, Giulio; van der Heide, Jasper; Preuß, Jörn; Boboc, Roxana Varvara; Ashaghimina, Selin; Mignot, Sylvain; Fanzio, Veronica; Moretti, Veronica

Infodemic 5G : How Interpretative Frames are Co-articulated on Social Media? An Instagram versus Parler Case Study Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2021, visited: 28.01.2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Laurens, Patricia; Schoen, Antoine; Larédo, Philippe

Policy Brief, Issue 6/International patents: the role of large multinational firms in building competitive metropolitan areas Online


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Baciu, Robert; Bersezio, Ludovic; Béchet, Nathalie; Boboc, Roxana Varvara; (Doris), Yujie Dong; Stirum, Roline Van Limburg; Macpherson, Ava; Oettle, Josephine; Yedema, Emma

Who is /ourguy/?: Studying political Internet subcultures through their identification with public figures Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2020, visited: 30.01.2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Gauld, Christophe

Mining big data about representations of autism spectrum disorder : a comparison from Twitter to PubMed, a TwiMed proof-of-concept Online


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Lerner, Celina

Networks of words from comments of Brazilian Facebook Public Pages Online


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Kara, Atakan; Voll, Corinna; Nissen, Rasmus

Mapping Energy Technology : A supply of energy is crucial for human demands, but how do we extract, manage and access it? Online


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Hasselbalch, Marie; Mayntzhusen, Trine Christensen

Mapping Controversy: vaccine controversies Online

2019, visited: 05.03.2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Thorsen, Ann-Sofie; Kamstrup, Jeppe; de Neergaard, Rasmus; van den Heuvel., Johannes

Mapping Controversies: Abortion Debate (Wikipedia & arenas for debate) Online

2019, visited: 05.03.2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Barbier, Marc; Cointet, Jean-Philippe

Using the CorTexT-Risis Platform for Research in Science-Policy-Studies and Science-Technology-Studies Online


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Helmond, Anne; van der Vlist, Fernando; Weltevrede, Esther; Geiger, Taylor; van Zeeland, Ine; Stefanija, Ana Pop; Ibanez, Fernanda; Wolny, Julia

Medicate or Meditate; the App Store’s Solutions for Anxiety and Stress Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2019, visited: 12.01.2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Karsgaard, Carrie; Bainotti, Lucia; Nero, Serena Del; Flaim, Giacomo; Hockenhull, Michael; MacDonald, Maggie; Martella, Antonio; Valderrama, Erika; Valerio, Gabriel

Canadian Pipeline Politics: Mapping (visual) discourse in platform spaces Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2018, visited: 02.08.2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Omena, Janna Joceli; Rabello, Elaine; Mintz, André; Sanchez-Querubin, Natalia; Ozkula, Suay; Sued, Gabriela; Elbeyi, Ece; Cicali, Alessandra

Visualising hashtag engagement: imagery of political polarization on Instagram Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2018, visited: 10.07.2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Bento, Nuno; Fontes, Margarida

Legitimation and Guidance in Energy Technology Upscaling – The Case of Floating Offshore Wind Online

2018, (see published article :

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Taylor, Linnet; Jameson, Shazade; Bullock, Josh; Hoang, Quynh Tu; de Vos, Jeroen; van Gestel, Maarten; Nijssen, Timo; Dziwak, Olivia; Rekve, Kristoffer; Lausberg, Yoren; Santosa, Stefany Winona; Yang, Wen; Zenga, Giovanni

Data Justice and Singapore’s Smart Nation Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2018, visited: 25.01.2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Emambakhsh, T.; Andreatta, B. Da Fonseca; Pan, C.; Rico, S.

From Hollywood to Bollywood, the rise of the #metoo movement in the Indian Twitter sphere Online

Po, Medialab Science (Ed.): 2018, visited: 01.01.2018.

BibTeX | Links:




Popille, Ophélie

La communication politique sur Instagram Étude des candidats à l’élection présidentielle de 2017 Online

Master 2 NUMérique et Innovation (NUMI), Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Marín, Iván Villalba

La participación ciudadana desde las redes sociales: Plaza de España Online

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos 2017, visited: 05.06.2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Salatino​, Angelo A; Osborne, Francesco; Motta, Enrico

How are topics born? Understanding the research dynamics preceding the emergence of new areas Online

2017, visited: 01.01.2017.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:




Mogoutov, Andrei; Cointet, Jean-Philippe; Borra, Erik; Stevenson, Michael; Helmond, Anne; Gerlitz, Carolin; Rogers, Richard; Sanchez, Natalia; Venturini, Tommaso; Severo, Marta; Rieder, Bernhard

The Digital Methods Initiative Summerschool 2012 Online

(DMI), The Digital Methods Initiative (Ed.): 2012, visited: 02.07.2012.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

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