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Journal Articles


Mason, Eloïse; Bispo, Antonio; Matt, Mireille; Helming, Katharina; Rodriguez, Elena; Lansac, Rocio; Carrasco, Violeta; Hashar, Mohammad Rafiul; Verdonk, Loes; Prokop, Gundula; Wall, David; Francis, Nancy; Laszlo, Peter; Löbmann, Michael T.

Sustainable soil and land management: a systems-oriented overview of scientific literature Journal Article

In: Frontiers in Soil Science, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Arias-Navarro, Cristina; Panagos, Panos; v Jones,; Amaral, María José; Schneegans, Annette; Liedekerke, Marc Van; Wojda, Piotr; Montanarella, Luca

Forty years of soil research funded by the European Commission: Trends and future. A systematic review of research projects Journal Article

In: European Journal of Soil Science, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Robles, M. E. L.; Reyes, N. J. D. G.; Choi, H. S.; Jeon, M. S.; Kim, L. H.

국내 및 국외 적용된 인공습지 내 Bibliometric Analysis을 이용한 탄소저장 및 탄소격리 능력 분석 (Carbon Storage and Sequestration in Constructed Wetlands : A Systematic Review) Journal Article

In: 한국습지학회지 (Journal of the Korean Wetland Society), vol. 25, iss. 2, pp. 132-144, 2023, ISSN: 1229-6031.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Duan, Chensong; Liao, Hu; Wang, Kaide; Ren, Yin

The research hotspots and trends of volatile organic compound emissions from anthropogenic and natural sources: A systematic quantitative review Journal Article

In: Environmental Research, vol. 216, pp. 114964, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Singh, Abhishek; Rajput, Vishnu D.; Ghazaryan, Karen; Gupta, Santosh Kumar; Minkina, Tatiana

Nanopriming Approach to Sustainable Agriculture Book

IGI Global, Engineering Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, PA, 2023.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:



Mason, Eloïse; Matt, Mireille; Löbmann, Michael; Helming, Katharina; Hashar, Mohammad Rafiul; Laszlo, Peter; Francis, Nancy; Wall, David; Prokop, Gundula; Rodriguez, Elena; Lansac, Rocio; Carrasco, Violeta; Verdonk, Loes; Bispo, Antonio

Gestion durable sols : une vue d'ensemble de la littérature scientifique Conference

16. Journées d'Etude des Sols Dijon, France, 2023, ISSN: 04145748.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Mason, Eloïse; Löbmann, Michael; Matt, Mireille; Sharif, Ibrat; Maring, Linda; Ittner, Sophie; Bispo, Antonio

Knowedge needs and gaps on soil and land management Technical Report


Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Boudalia, Sofiane; Okoth, Sheila A.; Zebsa, Rabah

The exploration and exploitation of shale gas in Algeria: Surveying key developments in the context of climate uncertainty Journal Article

In: The Extractive Industries and Society, vol. 11, pp. 101115, 2022, ISSN: 2214-790X.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Proceedings Articles


Copty, Nadim; Kazezyılmaz-Alhan, Cevza Melek

IWA 4th Regional Conference on Diffuse Pollution & Eutrophication Proceedings Article

In: International Water Association İstanbul, Türkiye, 2022, ISBN: 978-605-7880-13-0.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Technical Reports


Snapp, Sieglinde; Kebede, Yodit; Wollenberg, Lini; Dittmer, Kyle M.; Brickman, Sarah; Egler, Cecelia; Shelton, Sadie

Agroecology & climate change rapid evidence review: Performance of agroecological approaches in low- and middle- income countries. Technical Report

CGIAR 2021.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Bordignon, Frederique

A scientometric review of permafrost research based on textual analysis (1948-2020) Journal Article

In: Scientometrics, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Aviso, K. B.; Sy, C. L.; Tan, R. R.; Ubando, Aristotle T.

Fuzzy optimization of carbon management networks based on direct and indirect biomass co-firing Journal Article

In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 132, pp. 110035, 2020, ISSN: 1364-0321.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


de Assis Espécie, Mariana; Carvalho, Pedro Ninôde; Pinheiro, Maria Fernanda Bacile; Rosenthal, Vinicius Mesquita; da Silva, Leyla A. Ferreira; de Carvalhaes Pinheiro, Mariana Rodrigues; Espig, Silvana Andreoli; Mariani, Carolina Fiorillo; de Almeida, Elisângela Medeiros; dos Santos Sodré, Federica Natasha Ganança Abreu

Ecosystem services and renewable power generation: A preliminary literature review Journal Article

In: Renewable Energy, vol. 140, pp. 39-51, 2019, ISBN: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.03.076.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Réchauchère, Olivier; Akkari, Monia El; Perchec, Sophie Le; Makowski, David; Gabrielle, Benoît; Bispo, Antonio

An Innovative Methodological Framework for Analyzing Existing Scientific Research on Land-Use Change and Associated Environmental Impacts Journal Article

In: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 30, pp. 1-13, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Akkari, Monia El; Sandoval, Mélanie; Perchec, Sophie Le; Réchauchère, Olivier

Textual Analysis of Published Research Articles on the Environmental Impacts of Land-Use Change Journal Article

In: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 30, pp. 15-38, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Makowski, David

Mapping the Evidence on the Environmental Impacts of Land-Use Change for Non-food Biomass Production Journal Article

In: Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, vol. 30, pp. 227-236, 2018.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

PhD Theses


Bareille, François

Agricultural management of ecosystem services: insights from production and environmental economics PhD Thesis

Université Bretagne Loire, 2018, (HAL Id : tel-02790452 , version 1).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)

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