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Journal Articles


Persico, Simone

Affective, defective, and infective narratives on social media about nuclear energy and atomic conflict during the 2022 Italian electoral campaign Journal Article

In: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, vol. 11, 2024.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Rikap, Cecilia

Becoming an intellectual monopoly by relying on the national innovation system: the State Grid Corporation of China's experience Journal Article

In: Research Policy, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 104472, 2022, ISSN: 0048-7333.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Lundvall, Bengt-Åke; Rikap, Cecilia

China's catching-up in artificial intelligence seen as a co-evolution of corporate and national innovation systems Journal Article

In: Research Policy, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 104395, 2022, ISSN: 0048-7333.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Rikap, Cecilia; Flacher, David

Who collects intellectual rents from knowledge and innovation hubs? questioning the sustainability of the singapore model Journal Article

In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, vol. 55, pp. 59-73, 2020.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Malanski, Priscila Duarte; Dedieu, Benoît; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara

Mapping the research domains on work in agriculture. A bibliometric review from Scopus database Journal Article

In: Journal of Rural Studies, 2020, ISSN: 0743-0167.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

Technical Reports


Andrieu, Nadine; Kebede, Yodit

Agroecology and Climate Change: A case study of the CCAFS Research Program Technical Report

2020, (CCAFS Working Paper no. 313. Wageningen, the Netherlands: CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Journal Articles


Rikap, Cecilia

Asymmetric Power of the Core: Technological Cooperation and Technological Competition in the Transnational Innovation Networks of Big Pharma Journal Article

In: Review of International Political Economy, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 987-1021, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


Malanski, Priscila Duarte; de Alencar Schiavi, Sandra Mara; Dedieu, Benoît

Characteristics of “work in agriculture” scientific communities. A bibliometric review Journal Article

In: Agronomy for Sustainable Development, vol. 39, no. 36, 2019.

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:


PhD Theses


Oulion, Marina

The acquisition of technological capabilities by large Chinese industrial companies: between catch-up and engagement in emerging technologies PhD Thesis

LISIS, Paris-Est University, 2016, (HAL Id : tel-01483966 , version 2).

Abstract | BibTeX | Links:

(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)

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