Journal Articles
Research on Open Government Data Utilizationat Home and Abroad: Progress and Trends Journal Article
In: vol. 43, iss. 4, no. 5-15, 2022.
基于专利文献技术融合测度的突破性创新主题识别* ——以太阳能光伏领域为例 Journal Article
In: Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, vol. 5, iss. 12, pp. 137-147, 2022.
国外政府数据开放研究的主题关联结构与演化态势 Journal Article
In: 情报科学, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 109-120, 2022.
Proceedings Articles
Evolution of hot topics in team science / 团队科学中热点主题的演变 Proceedings Article
In: International Science of Team Science Conference, 2020.
(Sources: Google Scholar, HAL, Scopus, WOS and search engines)
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What types of documents? |
What types of documents? |
221 journal articles |
42 conference proceedings |
39 conference (not in proceedings) |
29 online articles |
29 Ph.D. thesis |
28 reports |
22 book chapters |
20 masters thesis |
11 workshop |
9 book |
9 bachelorthesis |
3 miscellaneous |
1 manual |
1 proceedings |
1 workingpaper |
Main peer-reviewed journals |
Main peer-reviewed journals |
Scientometrics |
I2D - Information, données & documents |
PloS one |
Réseaux |
Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances |
Library Hi Tech |
Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances |
Journal of Rural Studies |
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications |
Renewable Energy |