0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Russian computer scientists, local and abroad: mobility and collaboration READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Three maps and three misunderstandings: A digital mapping of climate diplomacy READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Cartographier la trajectoire de l’adaptation dans l’espace des négociations sur le climat. Changer d’échelle, red(u)ire la complexité READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Modélisation multiniveau de la morphogenèse de familles de citations READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Deep tags: toward a quantitative analysis of online pornography READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Making taxonomy environmentally relevant. Insights from an all taxa biodiversity inventory READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014Des chiffres et des lettres. Evaluation, expressions du jugement de qualité et hiérarchies sur le marché de l’hôtellerie READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2013Therapy’s shadow: a short history of the study of resistance to cancer chemotherapy READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 February 2012La presse en ligne au service de la démocratie locale, une analyse morphologique de forums politiques READ MORE