0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2016Assessing marine biotechnology research centres in peripheral regions: developing global and local STI indicators READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2016Mapping the networks of cancer research in Portugal: first results READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2016La modélisation économique mondiale, une technologie de gouvernement à distance ? Généalogie, circulations et traductions d’un modèle de la sécurité alimentaire globale de l’IFPRI READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2016Performing an Invisibility Spell: Global Models, Food Regimes and Smallholders READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2015Les effets d’une programmation thématique des activités de la recherche publique READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2015Linkrbrain: Multi-scale data integrator of the brain READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2015Who frames the debate on the Arab uprisings? Analysis of Arabic, English, and French academic scholarship READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2015Indicators of agricultural intensity and intensification: a review of the literature READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 23 October 2014Computer scientists from the former USSR: international mobility patterns and scientific success READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2014The place of agricultural sciences in the literature on ecosystem services READ MORE