0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 8 February 2019Using the CorTexT-Risis Platform for Research in Science-Policy-Studies and Science-Technology-Studies READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 February 2019La tête dans les étoiles ? Faire sens de l’engagement dans le projet de science participative SETI@home READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 January 2019The land sparing – land sharing controversy: Tracing the politics of knowledge READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 5 December 2018The European networks of research, education and training stakeholders in agroecology READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 4 December 2018An Innovative Methodological Framework for Analyzing Existing Scientific Research on Land-Use Change and Associated Environmental Impacts READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 13 November 2018Smart cities, social media platforms and security: online content regulation as a site of controversy and conflict READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 November 2018Delegating Regulation: European Union and Financial Markets READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 14 September 2018Shitstorms, bobler eller sags-orienterede offentligheder? Digitale metoder og kontroverser på sociale medier READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 26 July 2018Innovation pathways in additive manufacturing: Methods for tracing emerging and branching paths from rapid prototyping to alternative applications READ MORE