0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 15 August 2021A state-of-the-art techno-economic review of distributed and embedded energy storage for energy systems READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 12 August 2021Meaning structures in the world polity: A semantic network analysis of human rights terminology in the world’s peace agreements READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 21 July 2021Over‐promotion and caution in abstracts of preprints during the COVID ‐19 crisis READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 June 2021Global trends, Local threads. The Thematic Orientation of Renewable Energy Research in Mexico and Argentina between 1992 and 2016 READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 14 May 2021Systemic risk and food security. Emerging trends and future avenues for research READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 1 May 2021#IamNotaVirus: text mining analysis of the blame phenomenon and anti-asian racism on Twitter amid the Covid-19 pandemic Observation of the narrative diversity generated by hashtag activism in France READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 30 April 2021Expanding agency: The mapping of architectural design discourse in Indonesia’s academic publications READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 15 April 2021Two Decades of Research in Artificial Pancreas: Insights from a Bibliometric Analysis READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 7 April 2021Whose shoulders is health research standing on? Determining the key actors and contents of the prevailing biomedical research agenda READ MORE
0 By pyb In CorTexT Manager PublicationsPosted 31 March 2021AI-enabled adaptive learning systems: A systematic mapping of the literature READ MORE