Workshop at EASST4S 2024 in Amsterdam

Every four years, the major Science and Technology Studies academic societies from Europe and North America, EASST and 4S, gather for a joint meeting. That happened this year, where EASST-4S 2024 took place in Amsterdam. On July 19th, Ale Abdo and Marc Barbier organized the workshop Semantic, social, spatial and temporal network and cluster analyses […]

Presenting data collection methods at the OpenAlex user meeting

Last week, Ale Abdo and Joenio Costa presented at the first ever OpenAlex User Conference a short talk entitled “Analysing OpenAlex data with Cortext”, highlighting the current and future ways in which Cortext Manager (CM) interoperates with OpenAlex data, namely: These features were first mentioned here, together with others underway, on the roadmap presented in […]

Cortext workshop at EACH-USP and presentation at IME-USP

On May 2024, Ale Abdo was at the University of São Paulo invited by two departments to talk about different aspects of Cortext. On the 22nd, a workshop organized with professor Gisele Craveiro and doctoral student José Beluzo received students of the Public Policy graduate program of the School for Arts, Sciences and Humanities (EACH-USP). […]

RISIS Training: Thematic and spatial analysis of technologies using CorText Manager and RISIS patent database

One of the best CorText Manager training courses was organized and offered by the RISIS project. Here is the program of this training which lasted 3 days: Monday 08/11/21 14h-16h30: Session 1 Session 1a: Introduction on patent analysis (60’) Introductory lecture session • Welcoming introduction (Philippe Larédo) 5’ • Type of patents documents (Antoine Schoen) […]

Early 2021 CorText Manager training sessions

CorText organized a series of training workshops on CorText Manager and its methods in January 2021! These workshops were imagined as a staircase with three successive steps : Session 1: Introduction Session 2: Method comparisons Session 3: Research questions and work on user’s corpus For these sessions, the subject chosen for the demonstrations and exercises […]

Seminar and workshop during the Summer School of PPGCI IBICT UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro – 03/2020

In March 2020, the LabEx SITES post-doctoral researcher, Ale Abdo, traveled to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo to organize two trainings on textual analysis and on a new method he developed and integrated at the CorText Infrastructure, as well as to participate in discussions on open and citizen science in Brazil, including the discussion […]

A CorText Manager distance training session in the framework of the nanocellulose project – Grenoble, June 2020

For complementing the RISIS access requested (to Leiden publications DB and RISIS patent DB) by the GAEL laboratory (UMR INRAE, CNRS, UGA, INPG), in the framework of a research project on nanocellulose, the CorText team has provided , in June and July 2020, an advanced training on the use of CorText. After setting up of […]

CorTexT introductory course in México – 16th October 2019

On Wednesday 16th October, will be held at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Azcapotzalco the workshop : ‘Methods for digital humanities. Introduction to the automated text analysis with CorTexT platform‘ This meeting will be held on the request of a group of interested researchers with the aim to explore potential uses of CorTexT platform in […]


Les étudiants du master D2SN (Data Science et Société Numérique), les membres de la plateforme CorText et une équipe du Médialab se sont retrouvés dans la moiteur de l’été naissant, du lundi 24 au mercredi 26 juin 2019, pour le sprint DATAPOL EU à Sciences Po. Corpus et outils Chercheurs, ingénieurs et étudiants réunis ont […]

Hackathon Recherche République Numérique

Hackathon Recherche du 12 décembre 2015 autour de la loi sur le numérique avec le soutien du Conseil National du Numérique, d’Etalab, de HackYourPhD, de La Paillasse, de la plate-forme Cortext–Laboratoire LISIS, d’Open Law, de Vecam, de Without Model, d’April et de OuiKit. Données de la consultation sur le projet de loi République numérique, présenté […]