It took us more than 10 years to come with CorText Manager version 2 as it is now!
Behind the scenes CorText Manager begun with a first version in 2009. More than thirty contributors has worked directly or indirectly on the two versions, year after year. All the ideas, inspirations, all this accumulation of pieces of work done by designers, engineers and researchers, have made us able to propose today the web interface and the set of methods that some you already know. It relies on an entire infrastructure, technical and methodological, which has grown over the years to meet the demands of, and support, academic communities.
Looking backward help us to better understand the present. Focusing only on the jobs done on the web application for the second version, we have produced a short video to show how we have made this possible. It tells us how the source codes of CorText Manager have evolved: how collaborative has been this project and the intensity of the actions which have been driven through time!
Names of the branches are written and dots correspond to the files updated, modified and deleted, at a given time. The colors correspond to the file types. A branch correspond to a section of the web application which has a specific purpose: all the elements for the front-end design, all the codes required to an algorithm, all the files and libraries for a method (script), etc.
Chapter one: product and interface design (2012-2014)
Major developments: collaborate inside project and dashboard web interface.
Chapter two: analyze the socio-semantic landscapes (2012-2014)
Major developments: migrating methods from version 1, mainly lexical extraction and network mapping.
Chapter three: improvement of the web interface and diversification of the methods (2017)
In mid-2016, version 2 of CorText Manager was opened to the public. 2017 was a great year: the CorText Manager user community grew and additional methods were added (Epic Epoch, word2vec explorer, Topic Modeling, Sentiment analysis…).
Chapter four: new round of methods with spatial analysis and stochastic block models (2018-2019)
Major developments: geospatial processing, domain-topic models (sashimi).
Chapter five: infrastructural work in preparation for version 3 (2020 and beyond)
Major developments: CorText API, CorTextLib.
Special thanks
Sincere thanks for the all the great contributions made by Ale Abdo, Chloe, Constance, Cristian, Diego, Tam-Kien, Guillaume, Jean-Philippe, Joenio, Juan Pablo, Lionel, Luis, Morton Fox, Philippe, Tatiana and z8po. They will recognized themselves.
And special thanks for all the support received since the beginning of CorText Platform from IFRIS and INRAe, and during these ten years from RISIS, ESIEE Paris, CRI of UGE and UGE. And, finally, to Marc Barbier, Jean-Philippe Cointet and Andrei Mogoutov, for the initial seed which has brought CorText Manager to life.
The video has been made by Joenio using gource.
Works published with CorText Manager
Have a look to what users have published using CorText Manager and appreciate the variety of topics, contexts and uses cases.